Activity of The Year 2015-2016

In September 2015 CEE organized 'Teachers Excellence Awards as a part of teachers day celebration in the
country. The function was attended from education fraternity along with the eminent educationist of the
country. 'an open House Session 'was organized on
a. Vedic Education - A Paradigm shift.
b. Skilling India through CSR in Education august presence of a host of dignitaries from public and
sectors and educationist. Dr. Kanhaus (PHD, chief Vedic Education of Maharishi Vedic University, USA
chairman, Maharishi Solar peace Parks.) gave their views on education standards during Vedic age and Modern
age.Dr. PURSHOTAM LAL, Padma Vibhushan, chairman of Metro heart Hospital graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
This Event also witnessed the launch of 'Vijai Bhav `on online portal dedicated to teachers /
students/Institutions/Researchers. This portal aim to provide platform for all educational services under
one roof.
The vedic program in association with Maharishi Vedic University USA, was also launched for getting Indian
Students experienced on the practical part of Vedas.
On 29th and 30th December 2015 CEE in association with SCERT conducted a career counselling seminar for 3000
government schools 12th standard students at Delhi. The event was graced by education world's best
counselors who guided the students from different career domains. The key highlight of the event was
announcement of fee scholarship of worth Rs-4 crore rupees for the government school students offered by CEE
in association with Dewan Daulat Ram Trust, Meerut. The event was also attended by the august presence of
dignitaries from Director of Education (DOE), State council of Education Research and Training (SCERT).
On 23rd April 2016, National Education Summit focused on Paradigm of Education Systems followed by Award
Function was organized by CEE with an aim of sharing views and important issues to enhance the quality in
Education. The following topics were focused:-
A. India - Hub for cross culture relationship.
B. Vedic Education - Paradigm shift in Global Education.
C. Campus to Corporate - Building gap in placement. Vice Chancellors, Scientist, Deputy Secretary of CBSE
were the eminent speakers who enlightened the audience on the various issues and problems faced by
educational establishments. Dr Udit Raj, Member of Parliament and Ex IRS officer graced the occasion as the
chief guest who congratulated the awardees.