
CEE Membership

Membership Benefits

As a member of CEE, you will access a world of opportunities, from networking with the corporate, Institutions, majors of Indian and global industry to assisting in framing education policies, through close linkage with the government. CEE proactive approach focuses on helping you to increase efficiency and competitiveness.

Some of the benefits are as under:
- Global updates of the education sector
- Best practices on Education Quality
- Improve internal efficiency and productivity
- Get an insight into Government policies and their impact on Education
- Networking opportunities with Indian ,Global Institutes and Individual Experts
- Platform to enhance your campus and develop newer horizons
- Share your best practices with other members
- Help enhance competitiveness of Indian Education
- Opportunity to give back to society
- Get involved with important initiatives in the areas of Child Education, Women Entrepreneurship etc.
- Provide facilities and means to meet specific requirement of education establishment.

Benefits to The Universities and Institutions

The Educational institutions will be benefited with the services provided by CEE. Some of the benefits are as under Providing domestic and international guest speakers in the field of
- Engineering
- Cyber Security Spectrum
- Ethical Hacking
- Security Matters
- Defence Matters
- Political Matters
- Management
- Telecom, ICT

The National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986, has provided for environment awareness, science and technology education, and introduction of traditional elements such as Yoga into the Indian secondary school system. Not much has been done for the introduction of Yoga which inter-alia includes Meditation etc. to lead a Good life. Special attention would be given to this aspect and in addition stress management, communication skills, development of mind capabilities, how to excel in interview and placements etc. would be dealt with.

A. Providing Institute will use in branding as CEE ASSOCIATED University/College/ Institute, which you can write in your Brouchers, advertisements, publicity materials & where ever the providing Institute wants.

B. CEE will arrange Tutorials and seminars on nominal fee basis in Institutes on:
- Topics of different subjects from literature to telecom, IT, mobile, infrastructure, multimedia,outsourcing, applications, VAS, rural development, inclusive growth, manufacturing etc.
- Will inculcate students to read widely on a variety of subjects to build up knowledge and come out with own ideas based on his knowledge of the topic.• Prepare students to listen to other’s views and be prepared to respond, and not stubbornly hold on to preconceived notions.
- Excellence in life and conflict management and effective communications. These are useful for students and faculty for good living being
- Personality development and grooming courses for students
- Technical lectures for faculty
- Research and survey projects strategies. These will be just on reimbursement of actual expenses incurred.
- Arranging Guest lecturers of Indian and Foreign VIPs in Universities and Colleges.
- Arranging VIP/Technical Examiners and Viva Experts for Exams, as per the requirement.
- Assistance in framing the Course Curriculum and contents.
- Assistance in introduction of vocational courses and how to perform Examination Centres.
- Making available VIPs and Former Senior experts for Board/Advisory Groups of Universities/Institutes out of pool of talents available on Board.
- Panel of Experts available for guide for research and administrative assignments in Colleges/Institutes.
- Providing opportunities to students for summer projects based on secondary research and industrial visits.
- Providing opportunities to students for placements.
- Arranging students for inter exchange program with foreign universities. Navigating special courses tailor made for technologies/MNCs.
- Assistance in wide Publicity for the Institutes and Universities.
- Recognition of excellence of Institute/University from Industry Associations.
- Organizing University based Awards from where awardees qualify for participation in National Awards.
- Organizing Education Fair dedicated to your University/Institute
- Organizing research projects for your Institutes from Indian and International agencies.
- The research gives name and fame to University for the data collected and analyzed. Organizing visit to Industrial units in India and abroad.
- Opportunities, if needed, for Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) activities like education to poor students, skill developments, society developments etc.
- Assistance, if required, in development and sourcing of IT infrastructure in University/Campus. Assistance for skill development, technical trainings, personality development, etiquettes training, meditational and spiritual trainings, human resource programs and various team building exercises and activities, tailor made on reimbursement basis and much more.


The need of the society in the education field has been realized and appreciated by all like minded people. It is the time that this aspect needs to be attended on top priority by one and all, so that we remain at least at par with developed countries